
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dispatches from the Bush Posse #13

'Get a Good Lawyer,' Attorney Tells Former Bush Official from RawStory

"“I would recommend that Mr. Feith first of all read the complaint, and secondly that he get a very good lawyer,” Boye said. “If he is so sure of what he is saying — then the address of the national court is #22 Genova Street, second floor.”"

The Bush Six from the New Yorker

"About a year ago, a book came out in England that made a fascinating prediction: at some point in the future, the author wrote, six top officials in the Bush Administration would get a tap on the shoulder announcing that they were being arrested on international charges of torture.  ... Last week, Sands’s accusations suddenly did not seem so outlandish."

How Many Others Were Tortured? (Daniel Froomkin) from the Washington Post

"The report, which was based on interviews with the 14 "high value" detainees transferred from the secret prisons to Guantanamo in September 2006, also raises and expresses "grave concerns" about a very significant unanswered question: What happened to all the other detainees who passed through the secret CIA prisons who we still don't know about?"

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