
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

News Nuggets 1257

DAYLEE PICTURE:  Iron ore processing plants in Hunedoara, Romania in the 1970s.  From National Geographic.

Has the Chinese Bubble Burst? Asia's Main Stock Markets Continue to Tumble Amid Fears Over Credit Reforms from the Daily Mail [of the UK]
"Shanghai Composite Index suffered biggest percentage loss in four years.  Investors fear measures to curb 'shadow banking' will hurt business.  Trouble in credit system could harm world's second biggest economy."

The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Leaker (Roger Simon) from Politico 
"I don’t know what he expects to find at the end of his rainbow, but I think he will learn that once his secrets are used up, he will be just another fugitive, eager to recount to anyone who will still listen what a big deal he used to be. He is not Wolfking Awesomefox. And he eventually will come to the realization that America is about more than sex and doughnuts. It is the country that gave him everything. And I think he is going to miss it very much."

Edward Snowden In 2009: Leakers Should Be 'Shot In The Balls' from the Huffington Post
"NSA leaker Edward Snowden despised classified leaks in 2009, illustrating that the former Booz Allen Hamilton employee was not always the champion of transparency that he has become. The technology website ArsTechnica published IRC chats where he railed against a New York Times story about the U.S. rejecting an Israeli request for aid to attack an Iranian nuclear site and the United States' covert efforts to sabotage Iran's nuclear program."

Supreme Court DOMA Decision Rules Federal Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional from the Huffington Post
"The Defense of Marriage Act, the law barring the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages legalized by the states, is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday by a 5-4 vote."

Supreme Court Rules On Prop 8, Lets Gay Marriage Resume In California from the Huffington Post
"The Supreme Court on Wednesday left for dead California's same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, but the question of gay and lesbian couples' constitutional right to marry remains very much alive."

On Twitter, It's a Very Sad Day for the Haters (Ben Blackman) from the Daily Beast
"A lot of people are really, really happy about Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling squashing the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Prop 8. And then there are some others, who are really, really sad that gay people now have some rights."

The Supreme Court's Voting Rights Decision Is a Poison Chalice for the GOP (Joshua Green) from the Bloomberg News Service
"On its face, this looks like a big victory for Republicans. Is it really? I suspect it will turn out to be a poisoned chalice. Many of the GOP’s current problems stem from the fact that it is overly beholden to its white, Southern base at a time when the country is rapidly becoming more racially diverse."

I Believe (Andrew Sullivan) from The Dish
"So to those who are often tempted to write off America’s ability to perfect its union still further, to lead the world in the clarity of its moral and political discourse, and to resist the pull of fundamentalism when it conflicts with human dignity, let me just say: I believe. Because I have seen."

Conservatives at Crossroads on Gay Marriage from Politico
"... they have time – at least through the 2016 election – to press their case in the court of public opinion, and to lean on the Republican Party in Congress and the states to dig in for the same long fight. They may have to lean hard,..."

Wendy Davis: The State Senator Who Killed the Texas Abortion Bill (Brandy Zadrozny) from the Daily Beast
"One woman stood up against Texas Republicans’ anti-abortion bill. Brandy Zadrozny on the state senator’s filibuster, her past clashes, and the time Rick Perry called her a ‘show horse.’"
It is highly visible demonstrations of principle from women leaders like Ms. Davis that will continue to have the women of our country continue to vote in disproportionate numbers for Democrats.  Good for you, Wendy!!

How’s the Rick Perry National Political Rehabilitation Tour Going? (Wayne Slater) from the Dallas Morning News
"If the Texas governor's highly publicized, job-poaching trips to California and Illinois weren't evidence that Perry is setting the stage for another run for president, last week's trip to New York offered a blueprint how he hopes to fix his damaged political image."
NO WAY!  Boy -- the 2016 GOP presidential field is shaping up great -- for the Democrats!  Let's see, that gives us Donald Trump (who was stumping in Iowa yesterday); Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker.  For sane people looking at running like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, their only chance is if this list of clowns divides the wingnut majority that makes up GOP voters in primary season.

Treasure Hunters Salvage Cannons Used by Notorious Pirate Blackbeard from Wreckage of Ship he Stole to Wreak Terror on High Seas from the Daily Mail [of the UK]
"Deep sea divers recovered two cannons from Queen Anne's Revenge.  They salvaged them from the ocean bed off the coast of North Carolina.  Dive carried out as part of $450,000 scheme to remove all of the artefacts."

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