
Thursday, August 14, 2014

TODAY'S BIG NUGGET: The Media's Foreign Policy Filters

Obama's Foreign Policy Record: TBD (Robert Kaplan) from Real Clear World 
A lengthy excerpt is in order here:
"In much of this criticism there is a phenomenon operating in the background that goes unmentioned: The opinion pages of the large circulation dailies in New York and Washington are either liberal internationalist or neoconservative, meaning they all have a bias for action, for doing dramatic things to make the world a better place. Realism, which has a sturdier pedigree -- going all the way back to Thucydides' "The History of the Peloponnesian War" -- encapsulates how most people in government and business actually think, but it has relatively few followers in the major media.  And realism counsels caution, because a bias for action can often lead to disaster. Because Obama has had until this recent Iraq crisis the opposite -- a bias for inaction -- the major media simply hate him. So let's see how he is doing. ..."

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