
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

News Nuggets 93

A rare breed of white, blue-eyed alligator. 

What US Newspapers Said About Obama's Speech from the Guardian [of London]
"Here is a selection of opinions from American newspapers and writers on President Barack Obama's speech to Congress last night."

Obama's Partisan Pragmatism from the Guardian [of London]
"From healthcare to education, from energy independence to financial reform, the president laid out a stunningly ambitious agenda in his address to Congress Tuesday night. He risked parody by promising to cure cancer as well, but you've got to admire Obama's self-confidence."

"For the Republicans in the room, the speech couldn't have been particularly pleasant. Polls out Tuesday morning showed Obama is still enormously popular a month into his term, more so than any president at this point in office since Ronald Reagan. And while the GOP has been congratulating itself for how well they can say no to whatever Democrats try to do, that strategy doesn't seem to be doing much for the party."

Obama: A Leader in the House (David Corn) from Mother Jones
"An organized mind at work is a wonderful thing to watch. During his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, President Barack Obama placed the mind of his presidency on display, and it was wonderfully organized. "

We Have Seen the Enemy and It is Us (Roger Simon) from Politico
"It was a night of reckoning. It was a night to face up to the mistakes of the past, the calamity of the present and the hopes of the future. "

"Republicans must have read the same polls we have because, overall, their tone in responding to Obama’s speech last night was much softer than we’ve seen in the past several days. "

"Both Democrats and Republicans alike panned Jindal's rebuttal in terms that were decidedly harsh: "amateurish," "laughable" and, most commonly, "a missed opportunity.""

What Should Government Do? A Jindal Meditation (Paul Krugman) from the New York Times
"The intellectual incoherence is stunning. Basically, the political philosophy of the GOP right now seems to consist of snickering at stuff that they think sounds funny. The party of ideas has become the party of Beavis and Butthead."

Jindal the Therapist from the New Republic
"The mantra "Americans can do anything," repeated at least five times, reminded me of nothing so much as a cassette tape given to me by a child therapist I (briefly) visited when I was eight."

Jindal and the Road to Non-recovery from the Guardian [of London]
"The Louisiana governor's response last night was partisan in the extreme. It's time the Republicans took a fresh look at America."

"Determined to enforce the party line, the GOP has taken new steps to punish those members who have crossed the aisle in recent weeks to vote in support of the federal stimulus package and to send the message to any party moderates - turncoats will not be tolerated."

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