
Thursday, April 29, 2010

News Nuggets 332

Some great images of some unidentified canyons from out west. From Huffington Post

Grecian Formula: Greece’s Financial Mess Could be the End of European Unity (Jacob Heilbrunn) from the National Interest

"The Greek crisis has thus been extremely revealing. One thing it has shown is the limits of European unity. When times were flush, the Germans had no compunction about mouthing shibboleths about the importance of unity. No longer. Germany is asserting its own national interests rather than burying them in Europe. In this regard, Merkel could end up becoming the gravedigger of the European project."

Heilbrunn is not the only one saying this. See the following item.

On the Edge of the Abyss from the Editorial Board of the Economist [of London]

"Europe's leaders must act fast to stop Greece’s market contagion spreading."

The Implosion of Gordon Brown (Comment) from True/Slant

"Seldom is one treated to the complete implosion of a major public figure, but earlier today we were presented with the scene of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Gordon Brown, the man who, amid the heat of 2008 financial crisis, was credited by the not-easily-impressed Paul Krugman with “saving the world,” collapsing into a heap of ruination."

Boy -- talk about the gang that can't shoot straight!

The Catholic Church is Going South (Philip Jenkins) from the New Republic

"The abuse scandals won't kill the Catholic Church—but it will push it out of Europe....Most evidence suggests that the Church will endure and even enjoy a historic boom--just not in places it has flourished historically. For years, its core has been migrating away from Europe, heading southward into Africa and Latin America."

A very prescient article in my view.

GOP to Abandon Blockade of Banking Regulation Bill from the Associated Press

"Republicans set the stage Wednesday to lift their blockade against legislation to tighten regulations on Wall Street, opening a road to likely passage for the most sweeping rewrite since the Great Depression."

Want to Save Capitalism? Regulate It (E.J. Dionne) from the Washington Post

"Goldman may face charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission, but it's the entirety of our deregulated financial system that's on trial. In this new order, the inventiveness of our entrepreneurs goes not only into creating products that enhance our lives (from refrigerators to laptops to iPods) but also into fashioning "absolutely conceptual and highly theoretical" financial products whose main function is to enrich a very small number of well-placed people."

Obama Strategy Gets Personal from Politico

"Rather than just going after big groups of bad guys — insurance companies, lobbyists, the media — Obama has adopted a strategy that gives a face to the enemy. By setting himself up against specific opponents, he provides a point of contrast that’s useful in invigorating a base hungry for bare knuckles and bravado — and forces those in the middle to choose between him and his villain du jour. "

EPA Staffers Were Forced to Ignore Science, Investigation Finds from Politics Daily

"The Committee on Science Integration for Decision Making is still working on its investigation, but has quietly posted draft summaries on the agency's website of 73 interviews with 450 EPA employees -- an unusual bottom-up examination that could bring sweeping changes to the 40-year-old federal agency. Some staffers traced the problems in the agency to the Bush administration, while others said the obstacles are longstanding and continue to this day."

Ah, Bush! We sure do miss him!

Give'Em Hell, Barry (Robert Kuttner) from the American Prospect

"If Obama is not destined to be the next Roosevelt, he can choose from one of two very different presidential role models, Harry Truman or Bill Clinton. "

Crist Set for Senate Run as Independent from the Financial Times [of London]

"The Tea Party Movement, which has dragged the Republican Party sharply to the right over the past year, appears set to claim its most high-profile scalp on Thursday with Charlie Crist, the governor of Florida, likely to declare that he will switch parties and run for the US Senate as an independent."

Democratic Draft of Immigration Bill Emphasizes Border Security from the Bloomberg News Service

"Democratic leaders in the Senate are drafting immigration legislation that would aim to bolster security at U.S. borders before later providing a way for illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens."

Iowa Republican Candidate: Implant Microchip into Immigrants in Country Illegally from the Des Moines Register

"An Iowa Republican congressional candidate says he supports inserting microchips into illegal immigrants to track their movements, noting that's how he keeps track of his dog."

Y'know, this guy is REALLY on to something! I THINK the entire GOP needs to grab this idea and RUN WITH IT!

Duncan Hunter Backs Deporting US-Born Children of Undocumented Immigrants from the Los Angeles Times

"Would you support deportation of natural-born American citizens that are the children of illegal aliens," Hunter was asked. "I would have to, yes," Hunter said. "... We simply cannot afford what we're doing right now," he said. "... It takes more than just walking across the border to become an American citizen. It's what's in our souls. ..."

He's been saying this for years. Nothing new -- but it's clear that immigration is back on the front burner again.

Are Tea Partiers Racist? from Newsweek

"A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful."


The Best and Worst Cities for the Newly Graduated from the Huffington Post

"Each spring, millions of starry-eyed college students toss their graduation caps in the air and head to a city to begin a new life. But where, exactly, are the best places to go?"

Look who is listed as #2 in the BEST category! I love Pittsburgh -- but I'll have to say that this also shows truly how bad the rest of the country has become.

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