
Thursday, July 8, 2010

News Nuggets 395

A young orang-utan and a three year old playing at an animal sanctuary in Florida.  It happens all the time.  See the great ape nugget below from the Daily Mail.

"For several weeks, the prospect of the fight raised racial tensions in cities and towns across the country and none more so than in Pittsburgh."

Why Obama Is in a Hurry to Make History (Howard Fineman) from Newsweek
"Obama is playing a deep, longer-range game, one that involves burnishing his identity as a "historical," history-making figure. The president is swinging for the fences because that is what home-run hitters do. ... To switch sports analogies, if he were an Olympic diver, he’d always be attempting the dives with the highest degree of difficulty. If the execution isn’t perfect, he gets a higher score anyway."

"BP hopes to completely shut off flow from its gushing Gulf of Mexico oil well by later this month -- weeks earlier than the company's previous public forecasts."
This is the first really decent news I've heard on the oil spill front in months!

Netanyahu's Second Chance from the Editorial Board of Al Haaretz [of Israel in English]
"Obama has made it clear that his goal was, and still is, the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. ... Netanyahu must take advantage of the chance he has been given, say yes to Obama, and act seriously and swiftly to end the occupation and establish an independent Palestine."

"That this national tragedy was followed by an otherwise unremarkable election is testament to Poland’s long road to political normalcy. The crash did not undo Poland’s political system, as many feared; it turned out to be the final step in its normalization."
Fascinating analysis.

Jobs Now, Deficits ... Soon (Matt Miller) from the Washington Post
"What would a radically centrist "Jobs Now, Deficits Soon" package look like?"

Obama's Lincoln Moment (Timothy Egan) from the New York Times
"As Abraham Lincoln had an Army of the Potomac that looked inert under Gen. George McClellan, Obama has an economy stalled and troubled, and two wars, one now branded as the nation’s longest, its outcome never more uncertain.  Alexander Gardner Abraham Lincoln Where to advance? Where to retreat? Who to fire? Who to hire?"

Fourth of July 1776, 1964, 2010 (Frank Rich) from the New York Times
"“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race,” wrote our current Supreme Court chief justice, John Roberts, in a smug majority opinion nibbling away at Brown v. Board of Education in 2007. His conservative self-righteousness,
a product of his time, is as delusional as L.B.J.’s liberal faith in the efficacy of a federal “Community Relations Service” was in 1964. On this Fourth, as on the 233 that preceded it, America is still very much a work in progress."

US Pres-2012: Romney is a Non-STARTer (Baron Young-Smith) from the New Republic
"But the question at hand isn't necessarily whether Romney's ghostwriter "has even the vaguest acquaintance with the subject matter [the new START Treaty]." As with the "death panels," Romney's op-ed is an ideological statement, which does not require fealty to facts. And it has far-reaching implications for the way we should think about Mitt Romney the man, the 2012 election, and the future of American foreign policy."

LA-Sen: Vitter Claims Disgraced Staffer Didn't Work on Women's Issues; Records Show Otherwise from TalkingPoints Memo
"Facing reporters for the first time in weeks on Wednesday, Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) denied a key element in the controversy surrounding a former legislative aide who remained on Vitter's staff after pleading guilty to attacking his girlfriend with a knife in 2008. But records reviewed by TPM show clearly that Vitter's claim is false."
Hard to say if this will impact Vitter's re-election bid.  GOP voters seem fairly indiscriminate in issuing free passes to their Republican lawmakers.  As former LA Governor Eddie Edwards once said, "In order to really damage your political chances in Louisiana you need to be caught in bed with a dead woman or a live boy."  Vitter's been caught with several live women not his wife.  There's still a gap there.

"Now it has been revealed that the highly erratic president's metaphorical digit was hovering even closer than was widely realised as his administration laid plans for an atomic strike against North korea in 1969 following the shooting down of a US spy plane."

"The three-year-olds spent a blissful afternoon climbing, swinging from rings and tyres, pedalling around on a plastic tricycle and sometimes pausing for a hug in scenes reminiscent of the 'I Wanna Be Like You' sequence in the Disney film of The Jungle Book."
The pictures for this article are really charming!

No -- this is not a headline from the Weekly World News!
"Remains of a probable Gomphotherium, aka "Welded Beast," were recently dug up at the site of a Tennessee swimming pool, according to a WHEC report, and other media sources. "

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