
Friday, September 10, 2010

News Nuggets 431

The Fly Geyser in Nevada.  Looks like the landscape from another planet.  From National Geographic.

"A federal judge on Thursday declared the U.S. military's ban on openly gay service members unconstitutional and said she will issue an order to stop the government from enforcing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy nationwide."

The False Case for Attacking Iran (Daniel Larison) from The Week
"America's political class is consumed with the debate over whether to bomb Iran -- as if doing so were necessary, or even sensible."

China Hits a Great Wall (Gordon Chang) from Forbes Magazine
"The Middle Kingdom's rapid ascent will come to a crashing halt in the next decade."

AND a two-fer for Mr. Chang!  
The Coming North Korean Coup? (Gordon Chang) from the New Republic
"South Korean sources say military units have been converging on Pyongyang, presumably to take part in a show of might. China’s Xinhua News Agency has issued dispatches about rehearsals in the North Korean capital for a grand celebration, with participants waving red and pink plastic flowers."

"The West Coast is the epicenter of economic stress in America and the struggling economy may be inflicting the least damage in the Midwest, according to a new ranking by the Associated Press."

Harvest of Anger (Roger Cohen) from the New York Times
"A cover of The Economist right after 9/11 declared: “The Day the World Changed.” It has, and not just at airports where several billion shoes have been removed. Nine years later a harvest of anger is in."

The Media Hijackers (John Avlon) from the Daily Beast
"Terry Jones' Quran-threatening circus shows that the enemy of American democracy isn't just foreign terrorists, but also homegrown idiots turning U.S. policy into reality TV."

Obama's Finally Ready to Rumble (Eric Alterman) from the Daily Beast
"The president’s jabs at Boehner and tax-cut proposals may be too little, too late to save the midterm elections for his party, but his bracing return to campaign mode is more than his dispirited base was expecting, says Eric Alterman."

"President Obama decided this week to raise the stakes in this fall's election by making the choice about something instead of nothing but anger."

Democrats: Calm Down and Regain Some Perspective (Andrew Levison) from the Democratic Strategist
"Yes, we'll suffer losses this fall, but there's actually not any profound Anti-Obama or pro-Republican attitude shift going on. This may sound wildly at variance with the polls you've seen, but it's true."

David Corn at Politics Daily builds on this analysis HERE.

"As the party faces the prospect of serious losses at every level of government, its best survival strategy may involve focusing on candidates who aren’t yet in office. An emerging Democratic fail-safe plan depends on winning a handful of key congressional and gubernatorial races that could allow the party to retain power even in the face of widespread defeats."

The World's Worst Textbooks from Foreign Policy Magazine
"As students around the world head back to school, many of the lessons they're learning are not only false -- they're dangerous."
Yes -- US textbooks are on the list.

The Many Iterations of William Shatner from the Sunday New York Times Magazine
"I ask what his name is. “MY NAME? I. Am. William. Shatner!” Well, yes, but which William Shatner?"

Inkeeping with the same theme, we have a:
"Now, it appears we may be a step closer to seeing another Star Trek tech come to life: the tractor beam. But don't expect to capture a Romulan Warbird with it any time soon."

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