
Friday, June 29, 2012

News Nuggets 1008

DAYLEE PICTURE: Black bear cubs in Great Smokey National Park in Tennessee.  From the Daily Mail of the UK.
The Nuggetsman will be on a break between now and next Wednesday, July 4, and postings will be infrequent at best.  The postings for today are ALL commentary on yesterday's landmark Supreme Court ruling!  

The Court Saved My Life (Spike Ward) from the Los Angeles Times
"Not to be overly dramatic, but for me the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act was a matter of life and death. Because the law was largely upheld, I will be able to continue receiving treatment for breast cancer."

First-Person Impacts: How Obamacare Ruling Affects Americans (Tim Skillern) from Yahoo News
"Their reactions to the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision on health care Thursday mirrors that of many people -- a varied and polarized mix of worry, confusion, relief, anger and elation. To gauge their thoughts, Yahoo! News asked Americans to share their candid, personal stories and how the court's ruling affects them. Below, in their own words, is a sampling of what they wrote."

Supreme Court’s Health Care Decision is Good for America from the Editorial Board of the Chicago Sun-Times
"Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, led the attack shortly after Thursday’s ruling was handed down, saying “What the court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected president of the United States. And that is I will act to repeal Obamacare.” That is a debate Obama should relish. Obamacare — a nickname that will one day be considered a badge of honor, not a pejorative — brings decency and fairness to health care in America, defeating decades of obstruction by the GOP and the insurance companies."

The Real Winners (Paul Krugman) from the New York Times
"So the Supreme Court — defying many expectations — upheld the Affordable Care Act, a k a Obamacare. There will, no doubt, be many headlines declaring this a big victory for President Obama, which it is. But the real winners are ordinary Americans — people like you."

The Supreme Court Helps Heal the Nation (Eugene Robinson) from the Washington Post
"The political impact of Thursday’s stunning Supreme Court decision on health-care reform is clear — good for President Obama and the Democrats, bad for Mitt Romney and the Republicans — but fleeting, and thus secondary. Much more important is what the ruling means in the long term for the physical and moral health of the nation."

In Health Ruling, Relief for Obama but a Blow to Conventional Wisdom (Nate Silver) from the New York Times
"some observers have claimed that the decision could help Mitt Romney in terms of electoral politics. With due respect, I think this counterintuitive conclusion is too cute by half."

In Health Care Ruling, Roberts Steals a Move From John Marshall's Playbook (Daniel Epps) from the Atlantic
"There are eerie parallels between today's decision and a legendary case from Thomas Jefferson's time."
A related opinion expressed HERE.

Supreme Court Ruling a Boost to Obama, Challenge for Romney (Lynn Sweet) from the Chicago Sun-Times
"Romney has a specific challenge — tell people with more detail than he has so far just how more of the nation’s uninsured could get coverage. And his plan faces a laugh-test: How would it plausibly get through a divided Congress? Even if Romney wins the election this November, he could possibly face a GOP-controlled House and a Democratic-run Senate, just as it is now. Romney cannot erase Obamacare with a pen stroke. The Obama team, with the ruling, gets a second chance to make a first impression. ..."

Repeal Is a Fantasy (David Frum) from the Daily Beast
"Even if Republicans win big in 2012, they will have to fight inch by bloody inch for changes they could have had for the asking in 2010. Truly, this is Waterloo—a Waterloo brought about by a dangerous combination of ideological frenzy, poor risk calculation, and a self-annihilating indifference to the real work of government."

Mitt Romney’s Empty Obamacare Repeal Rhetoric (John Avlon) from the Daily Beast
"The presumptive Republican nominee was quick to promise a repeal of the health care act if elected president, but he proposed no alternative—throwing out only the usual Medi-scare, deficit-bomb, and ‘government takeover’ bromides."

Why Romney Won't Repeal Obamacare (Ryan Lizza) from the New Yorker 
"Assuming that Romney comes to Washington without a sixty-vote majority in the Senate, the task of repeal will be nearly insurmountable."

John Roberts, the Deciding Vote (Jeffrey Rosen) from the Atlantic
""How do you decide who’s going to be the swing vote?" Roberts laughed and shook his head. "I don’t know, we rotate.""

The Political Genius of John Roberts (Ezra Klein) from the Washington Post 
"After Chief Justice Charles Evan Hughes deftly beat back Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s court-packing proposal, FDR said, with grudging admiration, that Hughes was the best politician in the country. “That was hardly the way Hughes would have chosen to be remembered,” writes James Simon in “FDR and Chief Justice Hughes,” “though there was much truth in the president’s remark.” I doubt Roberts wants to be known for his political skills, either. But in today’s decision, he showed that, like Hughes before him, he’s got those skills in spades."

John Roberts Outrages Conservatives In Health Care Ruling (Luke Johnson) from the Huffington Post
""This was an activist court that you saw today," Tea Party favorite Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) told reporters. "Anytime the Supreme Court renders something constitutional that is clearly unconstitutional, that undermines the credibility of the Supreme Court. I do believe the court's credibility was undermined severely today," she said, later adding that Congress could now force you to buy Ikea furniture. "The Supreme Court has abandoned us," Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said."

CNN News Staffers Revolt Over Blown Coverage from Buzzfeed
"“Embarrassing.” “Fucking humiliating.” “Shameful.” A veteran producer jumps the gun, a young correspondent goes too far, and the network's crisis deepens."

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