
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

News Nuggets 1384

DAYLEE PICTURE: An anemone fish in Kimbe Bay in Papua, New Guinea.  From National Geographic.

The Nuggetsman will be traveling Wednesday and Thursday so the next posting will be on Friday at the earliest.

China and Taiwan Hold First Talks Since Civil War from the New York Times 
"The official discussions, the first since 1949, were not expected to produce major breakthroughs, but they were an important symbolic development in the easing of the two sides’ rivalry."

Indisputable Evidence That Millennials Have It Worse Than Any Generation in 50 Years... at least, when it comes to unemployment (Jordan Weissman) from the Atlantic
"...  at least when it comes to the job market, I think we can all agree by now that today's young adults are deserving of at least a few extra pity points. And should there be any doubt, here's a wonderful, one-chart demonstration of why from a new Pew report."

What Do the Jobless Do When the Benefits End? from the Washington Post 
"Studies show that about a third of the people cut off from long-term unemployment benefits will find help from Social Security or other government programs. Others will cobble together dwindling savings or support from family. But most baffling to economists are the people who appear to come up with more-idiosyncratic solutions, which are tough to identify and almost impossible to track."

The Jim Crow Zombie That Won’t Die (Jamelle Bouie) from the Daily Beast 
"Felon disenfranchisement laws are, literally, a vestige of Jim Crow. It’s time for them to go."
I completely agree with Bouie's comment here.  

The Left Fights Back in NC (Dahlia Lithwick) from Slate
"This weekend’s massive protest in North Carolina shows that the GOP doesn’t own morality. ... As state governments limit reproductive rights, gerrymander voting districts, harm workers and the environment, and suppress the vote, we are all North Carolina now. The answer to the second question is that I don’t really know why the major national media, with a few notable exceptions, keeps ignoring this story."

The Era of Republican Hostage-Taking Is Over (Michael Tomasky) from the Daily Beast
"Boehner is going to be leaning hard on every single member he can who he thinks can get away with casting a "pro-Obama" vote and still survive a Tea Party challenge in his district. But of course the rage machinery is already cranking up. But the vote will happen today, so we'll know soon enough. Assuming passage, it's a huge victory for Obama."

How John Boehner Decided to Give Up on the Debt Limit Fight (Robert Costa) from the Washington Post
"The room of Republicans sat up, stunned that Boehner was abruptly shifting away from the leadership’s plan, which had been championed 12 hours earlier at a Monday night meeting in the Capitol basement. But there were no outcries or boos."

Why the Tea Party Is Folding on the Debt Limit from the New Republic
"They can be forced to reconsider a particular tactic if you persuade them it’s politically catastrophic. It just requires an epic level of public anger to break through their epistemically-stunted consciousness."

Why Republicans Are Surrendering on the Debt Ceiling (Molly Ball) from the Atlantic
"In the three years they've been in power, Tea Partiers have gone through the stages of grief—from denial to acceptance of how Washington works."

Immigration Put on Hold, for Politics from the Editorial Board of the Times-Union [of Albany, NY]
"Millions of lives kept on hold, again, all so some politicians can hedge their political bets. If the sheer immorality of it doesn't shame House Republicans, perhaps they should consider that this could be one of the most damaging things they've done to their party in years."

Immigration Groups Turn to Anger from Politico
"Immigration reform advocates are done playing nice with House Republicans. After holding their fire for years at the urging of the Obama administration, several immigration reform groups now plan to unleash their anger at the right. A new, more aggressive campaign kicks off Tuesday, when these groups say they will begin confronting Republican lawmakers at public appearances, congressional hearings and events back in home districts."

How The GOP Plans To Crush The Tea Party Revolt from Talking Points Memo 
"After House Republicans conceded on Tuesday that they would bring a debt ceiling bill to the floor for a vote without attaching policy concessions, the tea party seemed in open revolt, calling for the replacement of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). Meanwhile, incumbent Republican senators have quietly been working behind the scenes to cut off their funding sources."

Team Clinton Started Talks on 2016 Run Night of Obama's Victory from The Hill
"While Clinton didn’t formally approve the political action committee, Black believed she had Clinton’s blessing, according to a book published Tuesday by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Bloomberg’s Jonathan Allen."

The Arrogance of Mitt (Mark Bowden) from the Atlantic
"The recent Romney documentary succeeds in making its subject more human, but it also makes it clear that the country is better off without him as president."

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