
Friday, March 28, 2014

How Many Carriers Does the US Really Need!?

America's Navy Needs 12 Carriers & Three Hubs (Mackenzie Eaglen and Bryan McGrath) from Real Clear Defense
Twelve ... instead of Obama's proposed nine.  Ok.  Why?!
"Congress must now decide if America’s single-digit carrier fleet is enough to meet the global demands of a superpower. The short answer is no. ... Part of its value is that it is an asset in constant demand. Last year, Navy Rear Admiral Thomas Moore said it best, noting “We’re an 11-carrier Navy in a 15-carrier world.” ... This would provide the president and the next with credible options in each of the three areas of broad U.S. strategic interest. 12 carriers would provide those who wish to disturb the peace with a powerful, persistent and present reason to reconsider."
Regular readers know that we've been tracking this critical (and expensive) measure of defense policy and budgeting for a long time.  Now, as we noted the other day, there is more pushback then ever on not just the cost of carriers ... but their military vulnerability against new high-tech weapons.  As I noted the other day, for most of the purposes the US has right now, carriers are still a critical way for the US to project power around the globe?  Do we need twelve!?  I am skeptical -- and this author doesn't make a strong case.

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