
Monday, April 28, 2014

Nominating a Sane Candidate and Keeping the Tea Party Engaged in 2016

What if the Tea Party Decides to Walk Away from the GOP in 2016? It Could Happen (Chirs Cillizza) from the Washington Post
"... the broader issue raised by Galen is whether the loser -- assuming it is the tea party wing -- will simply fold itself into the Republican party or go its own way. Data suggests that the answer is far from resolved."
Y'know, it is amazing to see how long it sometimes takes the DC punditry to ask the most obvious questions.  I've been predicting for some time that the GOP could easily face precisely this dilemma in 2016.  If the "establishment" gets one of theirs as the nominee, will the Tea Party types stay engaged for the general?  Whoever the nominee is, in order for that person to win, those folks MUST turn out; they must volunteer, and vote in huge numbers.  It would be no surprise to me if lots of them chose to stay home.

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