
Friday, June 5, 2015

Obamacare Lawsuit Sourcing Widespread Anxiety in the GOP

Obamacare Obstructing States Start to Freak at the Consequences (Josh Marshall) from Talking Points Memo
"Tonight the Wall Street Journal has a fascinating look something we may soon hear a lot more about in a very rushed and chaotic fashion. Last month, an outfit called the Milbank Memorial Fund (as best I can tell a relatively non-ideological foundation focused on health care policy) held a secret one day meeting in Chicago for officials from states who may suddenly find their citizens cut off from Obamacare health care insurance subsidies because of the new GOP challenge to the law. The verdict. Basically that they're screwed. There's simply no way for states to set up exchanges in time for this year - just at the purest technical level, setting aside whatever politics are involved."

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