
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Great Powers Heading in Very Different Directions

A Great-Power Outage (Vali R. Nasr) from the New York Times
"... each power center interprets the goals and instruments of international strategy — power politics or economic interdependence — differently. That makes resolving disputes more uncertain. And that’s the danger."

1 comment:

Keith Richmond said...

The author states that (Putin) “is willing to sacrifice economic interests for old-fashioned power politics”. Putin just beefed up the already robust Russian gas and oil bank with the addition of a massive reserve that the Ukraine had staked its future on. And he did it (almost) without firing a shot. If this is an economic sacrifice, the US and EU might consider some consecrations of their own, before the altruistic Russians and Chinese selfless sacrifice their economic interests in order to lock down the remaining oil and gas in the world. Refer to the maps in the NYT article below.