
Monday, May 19, 2014

Why Some Dems Are Rooting For Jeb

Why Democrats Are Aching to Run Against Jeb Bush (Peter Beinart) from the Atlantic
"Establishment Republicans are attracted to his steadiness, but the Bush brand remains badly tarnished with most voters—and you can’t easily Sister Souljah your own brother."
Now -- WHY would any Democrat be anxious to take on Jeb in '16?  What if Hillary is NOT the nominee in '16? Yes -- Jeb has the Bush name and a number of weaknesses -- but Dems take him lightly at their peril.  I have yet to see any Republican prospect that could wage as strong a general election campaign against Hillary or any other Democrat than Jeb.  I want the Republicans to nominate the biggest clown in their circus; I want to see a 1964-style whipping that will finally get the GOP to begin to turn away from the extremism we've seen during the Obama years!  With Jeb at the top of the ticket, it will be competitive and look more like the McCain and Romney defeats -- but without the needed routing that the Republicans need to set them on a new course.

1 comment:

Keith Richmond said...

There is no way to communicate my sentiments in a polite manner. But the reality is, in the public eye, political candidates are indistinguishable from Hollywood actors. A quick look at Jeb's wife and kids made me wonder how he could possible run. The harsh reality is that Jeb looks absurd along side his much shorter, plump, Mexican wife. His daughter is, well, not exactly photogenic. And That's assuming that his daughter and son are in any condition to appear in public. I predict this rude reality will occur to Jeb pretty soon.