
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwing the Book at ... Somebody

Throw the Book at Him (Maureen Dowd) from the New York Times
"So now, symbolically washing his hands, W.’s putting out this cute little disingenuous book about his father that won’t mention that he bollixed up the globe, his presidency, and marred Jeb’s chances, all because he wasn’t listening to his father or “working the problem.” W.’s fear of being unmanned led to America actually being unmanned."
It has been ages since I have posted anything by Dowd, one of the most superficial pundits out there and one who reminds me of what separates skepticism from cynicism: skeptics say "show me" while cynics say "you don't need to show me -- I already know!"  Dowd's latest blast against George W. Bush accentuates this distinction.  Now, I should say up front that I think W's administration was a disaster -- I thought so at the time and criticized him at the time with more invective than I have any other president in my life.  However, HAVING SAID THAT, I find Dowd's unusually personal (and superficial, pop psychologizing) analysis here to be both unwarranted and even malicious at times (on W's history with his father) as well as off-base and simply wrong (on the link she draws to Obama).  Dowd lets loose a lot of pent up invective against both 43 and 44 here -- and most of it comes off as empty nastiness. -- Nuggetsman

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