
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dispatches from the Bush Posse #15

Secret Interrogation Memos to be Released from the New York Times

Bad news for the Bush Six, I suspect.

"After a tense internal debate, the Obama administration this afternoon will make public a number of detailed memos describing the harsh interrogation techniques used by the Central Intelligence Agency against al Qaeda suspects in secret overseas prisons."

Officials Say US Wiretaps Exceeded Law from the New York Times

Like, is anyone surprised by this?

"The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews."

No Charges Against CIA Officials for Waterboarding from the Washington Post

Ok -- I can get this -- and I may even agree with it in substance.  These people were simply following the guidelines established by higher-ups in the White House and were told what they were doing was legal.  But, if that's the case, are those higher-ups going to be pursued or censured in any way?  More to the immediate point -- if these CIA folks are being given a pass, WHY is Lindy England and her superior officer (sleaze bag though he is) languishing in a military brig facing still many years of incarceration for what happened at Abu Gahrab?  Do they get extra time in the slammer for being perfect "fall guys"?

"The Obama administration on Thursday informed CIA officials who used waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics on terror suspects that they will not be prosecuted, senior administration officials told The Associated Press."

Spanish Attorney General: No Torture Probe of 'Bush Six' from RawStory

I'm guessin' but I see the Obama administration's hand in this.

"Spanish prosecutors will recommend against opening an investigation into whether Bush administration officials sanctioned torture against terror suspects, that country's attorney general said Thursday."


Former Bush Officials Can No Longer Travel Abroad, for Fear of Being Extradited under Torture Charges from CNN via AmericaBlog

The Bush Six (and perhaps others) are not going to have quiet, reflective post-presidential careers.  If they are not already, they will need to get lawyered up and be sure to do as the headline above suggests.  A good time to stay home, I think.

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