
Thursday, April 9, 2009

News Nuggets 116

An exotic frog from the Andes, one of the smallest breeds in the world.

Obama Embraced Pragmatism as Well as Leaders on his Trip from the Los Angeles Times

"As Obama hugged his way across Europe and Turkey in recent days, the visual images clearly showed a president trying hard to build personal relationships with his foreign counterparts. In one week's time, he sat down with the leaders of 15 countries.  But amid the photo opportunities and public displays of affection there emerged a clarifying message about dealings based on "shared interests.""

Obama: A Humble Leader Worthy of His Great Nation from Al Riyadeh [of Saudi Arabia in English]

"He is offering us an approach we hadn't experienced before. His diplomacy is an attempt to bring people together and provide transparency to diplomacy, rather than seeing the world as hostile until proven otherwise, or accepting as friends and allies only those who are blind and frightened followers. … Perhaps the bow at his meeting with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah, was incorrectly explained, but the act did nothing to diminish his standing as president of the most important nation."

Hawks Who Pine for the Cold War (David Corn) from the Congressional Quarterly

"They pine for the days when one could fret about a war between the United States and Russia or China...or both. Gates, who could go further on procurement reform, deserves at least one cheer for moving past this nostalgia."

A Fine Balance for Obama to Strike from the Financial Times [of London]

This item is from BEFORE Obama's European trip.

"Seated opposite an imposing portrait of FDR and flanked by the famous “Rough Rider” portrait of Theodore Roosevelt, Mr Obama betrays few signs – other than a hint of fatigue – that the economic and political maelstrom around him has induced personal stress. Speaking without notes, props or assistance from aides, the president answers in the professorial “no drama Obama” manner which helped persuade America’s voters last November he had a better temperament than John McCain to cope with this multiplicity of emergencies."

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Says Iran is Ready to Talk to 'Honest' Barack Obama from the Times [of London]

Just what Obama needs right now -- a human oil slick headed his way.

"Iran’s hardline President said yesterday that his country would welcome talks with America should Barack Obama prove “honest”, a clear sign that the US leader’s recent videotaped message to the Iranian people had increased pressure on Tehran to respond."

First 2010 Senate Forecast from Open Left

"The 2010 elections are still nineteen months away, and Al Franken still hasn't been seated following his victory in the 2008 Minnesota Senate campaign. However, today marks the start of Open Left's 2010 Senate forecast none the less."

Diverging Coalitions: The Transformation of the American Electorate (Larry Sabato) from the VA Center for Politics

"While President Obama cannot afford to ignore the views of moderate-to-conservative white voters, he can be expected to pursue a more liberal policy agenda than earlier Democratic presidents who were much more dependent on the support of moderate-to-conservative whites."

Obama Begins Long Walk to Peace from the Guardian [of London]

"The US president knows it will take a long time to heal his country's rift with Islam but at least he has taken the first steps."

A Few of Barack Obama's Favourite Things from the Guardian [of London]

This is a pretty funny look at Obama's tastes in several areas.

"Never mind the Queen - what everyone wants right now is an endorsement from the US president. Esther Addley on Brand Barack."

On Obama's Down Day from the New York Times

"For one of the first times since taking office – at least on a weekday – President Obama was out of sight on Wednesday. No photographs, no TV appearances, no formal readout of his day."

Mrs. Obama Meets Mrs. Windsor from the Nation

"She defies the boxes into which black (as well as many Latina, Asian and white) women have been caged; she expands the force field of feminism in ecumenical and unsettling ways. I appreciate that there are those who feel that Michelle Obama has been "mom-ified" by the media. But given the centuries during which black women have been relentlessly taxonomized as mammy rather than mom, many black and brown women find this phenomenon paradoxically, even sweetly transgressive."


Obama Speaks to Troops in Iraq from via MyDD

Here is another version of Obama's talk with the troops in Iraq -- I think it's clearer and the expressions on the faces of the people BEHIND the President say quite a bit.


Moose Rescue from the Associated Press

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