
Thursday, August 1, 2013

News Nuggets 1274

DAYLEE PICTURE: The Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park in China.  From the Daily Mail of the UK.

Rainbow Mountains In China's Danxia Landform Geological Park Are Very, Very Real (PHOTOS) from the Huffington Post
"Yes, we had a hard time believing that this insane mountain formation was actually real, because we haven't fallen down the rabbit hole. But, believe it or not, this technicolor range actually exists."

THIS looks really interesting.  Check out the clip provided by CNN 
Our Nixon Films by CNN
"Three of Nixon's top aides -- H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman and Dwight Chapin -- documented their experiences with home movie cameras during their time in the White House. A few years later, they were all in prison. Now, that footage seized by the FBI during the Watergate investigation is presented in a new documentary along with other rare footage and interviews to reveal a new look of the Nixon presidency as never seen before. Watch Thursday, August 1, 9 p.m. ET on CNN."

Pittsburgh Public Sector Workers Left Behind in the Recovery from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette
"In June, jobs grew across the leisure and hospitality industries, professional and business services, retail trade, health care and financial activities. Yet for one group -- the public sector -- employees can't seem to shake job insecurity. ... "I'm trying to rebuild my life," she said. "It took 14 months for it to be destroyed, but it seems like it will take a good six to seven years to be rebuilt.""

10 Ways Wall Street Played You for a Chump (George Sisti) from the Wall Street Journal
"On Wall Street, business as usual thrives on investor ignorance. It is not in its interest to have more astute clients. Here are 10 ways to see if you’ve been suckered into becoming a Wall Street chump. "

Obama's Defensive Offensive (Doyle McManus) from the Los Angeles Times
"Obama is doing everything he can to cast the opposition as being obstructionist. But will his return to the campaign trail have any real effect on Congress? The too-easy answer is no. ... But that's not what Obama's campaign is about. On one level, it's about influencing votes in the Senate, not the House."
On the one hand, McManus is right that Obama is playing a different game -- but it is (in my view) a much bigger game than the one he identifies.  This is about marginalizing the extremist wing of the GOP, like permanently.  Over time, Obama is cornering these people and leaving them with an issue set of complete stinkers and with no credibility outside their own extremist base.  Watch and see.

Obstructing Obama Isn't in the House's GOP's Self-Interest (Noah Scheiber) from the New Republic
"What’s the deal with House Republicans? Despite every indication that they’ve simply lost their marbles, the question isn’t so easy to answer. In fact, I see three distinct possibilities: That they’re genuinely crazy; that they’re rational, but with perverse incentives; or that they’re just a little slow."

Benedict, Francis, And Gays (Andrew Sullivan) from The Dish
"How can the Catholic church declare homosexuals “disordered” and their lifestyle an “intrinsic moral evil,” yet expect us to applaud its “love” for gays somewhere beneath all that homophobic bigotry? My mother was born in Mississippi and has often told me of Southern whites in the mid-20th century insisting they could love a black person even if they hated the black race. No, you can’t have it both ways."

Republicans Want to Rebrand, But Without Changing Anything (Nate Cohn) from the New Republic
"Given today’s numbers and Mitt Romney’s difficulty securing the nomination, it’s highly unclear whether Republicans could nominate a candidate who wants to moderate the party."

New Data That Shows Why the Next Republican Nominee is Screwed (Nate Cohn) from the New Republic
"The composition of the Republican primary electorate makes the challenge even greater. In the Pew poll, 49 percent of Republicans who participate in every primary support the tea party—just 22 percent consider themselves moderate."

GOP’s Long-Predicted Comeuppance Has Arrived (Brian Beutler) from Talking Points Memo
"... many close Congress watchers — and indeed many Congressional Democrats — have long suspected that their votes for Ryan’s budgets were a form of cheap talk. That Republicans would chicken out if it ever came time to fill in the blanks. Particularly the calls for deep but unspecified domestic discretionary spending cuts. Today’s Transportation/HUD failure confirms that suspicion."

Ted Cruz Taunts Fellow Republicans in Obamacare Fight from Politico 
"The results have sparked something of a GOP civil war over an issue that, ironically, the GOP is united behind -- repealing Obamacare. Cruz's strategy is a departure from the usually clubby chamber, as he's grown increasingly alienated from his caucus."

Warp Speed: Scientists Rethink Long-Distance Space Travel from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
"NASA physicists are working on ways to send a vehicle into space at unprecedented speeds."

79 Common Mispronunciations Which You Obviously Already Knew (VIDEO) from the Huffington Post
"Did you know that "pinochle" is pronounced "pea-knuckle?" Or that the "e" isn't pronounced in the word "forte?" Or that "irregardless" isn't a word? (Just kidding, we already knew that one.) Even if you did, see how many of these other 76 common mispronunciations you already know. (Warning: Some of them may shock you.)"

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