
Monday, April 14, 2014

Tune in and Watch it! The Emperor's New Clothes Network

The Media Is Still Dancing Around The Word 'Torture' from the Huffington Post
"Much has been made in the past decade or so about the news business' sudden conversion to euphemism when it came to describing techniques that had been previously universally recognized as torture. ... Reuters wrote about "brutal interrogation methods that critics say amount to torture."" "Critics say"!?  What do American legal statutes say?!  What does the UN High Court say?!  What does the flipping DICTIONARY say!?  Let's look: "(noun) 1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.  2. a method of inflicting such pain. 3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone.  4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony.  5.  a cause of severe pain or anguish." The media's response to this issue (right along side the blanket boycott the MSM has maintained on showing photos of bloody mangled US soldiers during the Iraq/Afghanistan conflict) emphasizes to me the media's growing inability to tell truth to power.  I will have more to say later this week but suffice to say that this isn't the age of Fox News distortion or polarized politicized media.  All the tv networks and cable news channels have joined one of two networks -- the first is ENC or the Emperor's New Clothes Network where everyone pretends that butt naked falsehoods are the God's honest truth.  What's the other option?  It is the INN Network or the Inoffensive News Network where ratings and not offending anyone gets primacy over unpleasant realities or the prospect of ticking off some reporter's big source in Congress, the White House, or some big corporate sponsor.  Take your pick.  Ah, but wait!  Some lone, uncorroborated source from who knows where says these two networks are going to merge!  Quick!  Work up a new "breaking story" theme and graphics!  That story is running in an hour!

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