
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What to Expect if the Dems Lose the Senate in November

If Republicans Win the Senate, What Crisis Will Mitch McConnell Cook Up Next? (Jonathan Chait) from New York Magazine
"It may seem implausible that Republicans would simply refuse to allow Obama to appoint any justice to such a vacancy. That is only because things that haven't happened before are hard to imagine. But such a confrontation is not only a logical outcome but the most logical outcome. Voting to flip the Supreme Court would be, if not a political death warrant for a Republican Senator, then certainly taking one's political life into one's own hands. Politicians do not like political death warrants -- certainly not for the benefit of the opposing party's agenda." "The modern pattern in American politics is that tactics that are legally available, but never used for reasons of custom, eventually become used. The modern pattern is also that the Republican Party, which is the most ideologically cohesive and disciplined party, leads the way."

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