
Thursday, December 18, 2014


Run, Jeb, run! (Laurence Lewis) from Daily Kos
"While the Republican brand continues to alienate all other demographics, it needs to dominate among white voters just to have a chance in national elections. But against Hillary, it has no chance. Even the latest supposed Republican savior, Jeb Bush, consistently polls as unable to beat Clinton even in his home state of Florida. And gets crushed by her nationwide."
Now, let's be clear (for newbies to this site): I very much lean to the liberal side of the political spectrum and I read Daily Kos regularly.  But Lewis's posting here is SO stupidly misleading that it demands a couple of penalty flags! Polling like this is absolutely useless!  After a year and a half of relentless attacks and resurrecting old Clinton scandals from the 1990s, conservative voters will rally to Bush and his numbers will improve--  IF (and this may be the biggest question looking ahead) Bush can get the GOP nomination.  Ignore this kind of "blather from the liberal bubble".  I hope I'm wrong -- but if Bush runs AND gets the nomination, it will be a very close election. -- Nuggetsman

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