
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

News Nuggets 100

Newly discovered portrait of William Shakespeare.  See the Culture Nugget below.

Taking a Depression Seriously (David Brooks) from the New York Times
"The G.O.P. leaders have adopted a posture that allows the Democrats to make all the proposals while all the Republicans can say is “no.” They’ve apparently decided that it’s easier to repeat the familiar talking points than actually think through a response to the extraordinary crisis at hand."

This is Not a Test. This is Not a Test (Thomas Friedman) from the New York Times
"Friends, this is not a test. Economically, this is the big one. This is August 1914. This is the morning after Pearl Harbor. This is 9/12. Yet, in too many ways, we seem to be playing politics as usual."

Moralism on the Shelf (Roger Cohen) from the Washington Post
"Obama's apparent willingness to divide the Taliban into awful and less awful is just the latest sign that a sterile but necessary realism has settled over American foreign policy."

Dumbest Proposal Ever? (Joe Conason) from the New York Observer
"Things are bad, and seem very likely to get worse—but the Republicans seem determined to plunge us into a real depression, gambling that catastrophe would return them to power."

"We're only 50 days in, but it's not too soon to discern a refreshing thread of logic in the president's foreign policy."

Say You're Sorry (Leonard Pitts) from the Chicago Tribune
"For the sake of the checks and balances that make our system work, I would like to see the party get off the mat.  But it is hard to imagine this is how Republicans will do it."

"Obama’s strategy of pushing for rapid action on an array of issues such as stimulus spending, financial industry bailouts, health-care costs and energy policies is driving wedges between business groups and congressional Republicans as traditional alliances splinter."

The Coming Evangelical Collapse from the Christian Science Monitor
"We are on the verge – within 10 years – of a major collapse of evangelical Christianity. This breakdown will follow the deterioration of the mainline Protestant world and it will fundamentally alter the religious and cultural environment in the West."


Shakespeare Scholar Identifies True Portrait of the Bard from Time Magazine

"Shakespeareans have been tantalized for generations by the possibility that a genuine life portrait of the man survives somewhere. Now Stanley Wells, professor emeritus of Shakespeare Studies at Birmingham University and one of the world's most distinguished Shakespeare scholars, says he has identified one."


New Way to Call for Missing Pets from the Washington Post

"The same phone technology that makes political campaign robocalls is now spreading the word about lost pets."

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