
Thursday, March 5, 2009

News Nuggets 98

It is fun having a young ALIVE couple in the White House!  You get amusing scenes like this.

The Right Roosevelt (David Ignatius) from the Washington Post
"In fixing the financial crisis, Obama could use a little less of FDR's affection for economic giantism and a little more of TR's zeal for trust-busting."

From Obama with Love from the New Republic
"How Obama's 'secret letter' to Russia helps isolate Iran, undermine Putin, and save us money."

Game On in the Middle East from the Guardian [of London]
"During her tour, Hillary Clinton has made clear that the grand US-Iran battle for strategic control of the region has been joined."

"The state of Uganda: Barack Obama's presidential victory appears to have cooled the ardour of Uganda's politicians..."

The Ecstasy and the Agony (Frank Rich) from the New York Times
"Obama's first Congressional address won’t rescue the economy. But it brings him to a significant early crossroads in his presidency — one full of perils as well as great opportunities."

The Limbaugh Schism (David Frum) from The Week
A SPOT-ON examination of this week's Republican internal meltdown over Limbaugh's role.
"Increasingly, we are vexed and motivated only by what we call “the culture.” ...  We are gradually shrinking from our former ambition—to govern—and taking our pleasure instead in alienation and complaint. "

"Four months after John McCain’s sweeping defeat, senior Republicans are coming to grips with the fact that the party is still – in stock market terms – looking for the bottom."

Have Republicans Found Their Floor in the House? from the Rothenberg Political Report
"In the first midterm election after a Democrat (Bill Clinton) was elected to the White House, the GOP gained more than 50 seats, winning a House majority for the first time in 40 years. Could it happen again in 2010?  Don’t bet on it."

Malia and Sasha Get a New Swing Set!! from the Huffington Post
This is a real HOOT!
"President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, went to work while the girls were at school, having the set installed on the south grounds of the White House within sight of the Oval Office, where their father spends plenty of time."

"For now, the first lady avoids policy issues, sticking to meet-and-greets with federal workers and citizens."

Bus Driver Collared After Crime Dog Socked on Corner from the Washington Post

What's our nation coming to?!  McGruff the Crime Dog gets assaulted!


Not Your Grandpa's Dashiki from The Root

A FASCINATING review of Africa's growing influence on fashion.  Check out the photos that go with the article.

"Africhic makes its mark in the fashion world."

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