
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Where is the Liberal Rage? (Robert Kuttner) from the Washington Post

"Where are the liberal protesters?  Wall Street and the abuses of corporate America crashed the economy, leaving regular people anxious and financially insecure. Yet the far right, not the reformist left, is getting the political windfall."

Where are they? They're just way too busy bitching in the blogosphere about Congressional Democrats and Obama.  I am a progressive blogger -- and yet, with each passing day I become more convinced that the liberal blogosphere has become one great bastion of keyboard critics, the ultimate in monday morning quarterbacks -- folks who have never had to get a bill through Congress (much less THIS Congress) and yet seem to know all about how it's done.  Rather than pointing towards an era of triumph for more progressive laws and regulations, they simply become one more indicator of why the progressives and the Democratic Party have so often failed to get it done.

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