
Monday, June 9, 2014

Friedman Interviews Obama on Climate Change

Obama on Obama on Climate (Thomas Friedman) from the New York Times 
"Several weeks ago, as he was drawing up these new emission rules, I interviewed President Obama in the White House library about climate and energy. Following are highlights. (The interview is also featured in the final episode of Showtime’s climate series, “Years of Living Dangerously” airing on Monday.)"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The president is right about there “being a lot to do”, and I will intentionally take his quote out of context. What there is to do is prepare for the desertification of the world’s major crop growing regions, the flooding of most of the world’s major cities, plans for preventing the numerous and myriad resource wars from going nuclear, etc. etc. In the geological context, we are not facing a catastrophe, but rather just another epoch in the 4.6 billion year history of the earth, one you could call “hydrocarbon man”. The only rational thing to do is face the inevitability of the end of an epoch. Anyone who has bothered to study the subject of energy knows that the idea of replacing fossil fuels with carbon neutral energy is pure fantasy. The world simple consumes about ten times more energy than could possibly be produced by alternatives in less than a century. It would take a gargantuan effort to simple hold CO2 at the current level of 400, much less reduce it. It will not happen.