
Friday, January 2, 2015

New York’s epic white backlash

How a horrid 1960s relic is still with us today (Joan Walsh) from Salon
"O’Reilly, Hannity and a defiant NYPD are fighting battles of 50 years ago. The chaos ended but the backlash endures."
Ah, another old chestnut from the 1960s!  Have to run to the barricades and take up arms against those who blame "pigs" and "THE MAN."  The Ferguson shooting/protests combine with the police assassinations in NYC -- and here, like some time warp out of Star Trek, we are back in 1968.  I genuinely think that there are millions of now silver-haired Americans who only feel fully alive (and what, twenty-five again) unless they are raging full-throated against those hippie/commie Jane Fonda-loving, pot-smoking, flag-burning, tree-hugging beatniks!!! Pardon me while my eyes roll in exasperation. -- Nuggetsman

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