
Friday, January 16, 2015

Obama to France? Fine That He Didn't Go

Obama's Mistake is No Disgrace (Ron Fournier) from the National Journal 
"America doesn't need to march its president in the streets of Paris to prove its resolve. ... Get a grip. Just as Obama has a responsibility to recognize and exploit the power of presidential symbolism, his critics must not forget the importance of context. There are bigger things to worry about – and more important failings of the Obama administration – than the delicate feelings of the French. ... The United States has some 66,000 military personnel deployed in Europe. More than 6,800 U.S. service members have died in post-9/11 operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hundreds of billions of dollars from the U.S. treasury finance intelligence and military operations across the globe, making the United States the most stalwart enemy of terrorists.  The president of the United States doesn't need to march in the streets of Paris to prove his nation's commitment."
I have long been a critic of Fournier.  Before he got his current gig at National Journal, his criticisms of Obama were (in my view) excessive, forced, and routinely overly seasoned with right wing talking points.  THIS item is absolutely spot on though!! -- Nuggetsman

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