
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dispatches from the Bush Posse #22

The Bush Administration Homicides from the Daily Beast

It was very predictable that this would come out.  I knew of at least 40 detainees who were "missing" or "unaccounted for" -- I guess we now know what happened to them.  They (and a bunch of others) are dead.

"For five years as a researcher for Human Rights Watch and reporter, John Sifton helped investigate homicides resulting from the Bush administration's torture policy. His findings include:  An estimated 100 detainees have died during interrogations, some who were clearly tortured to death."

Interrogating Torture from the New Yorker

Interesting look-back at the trials of Charles Graner et al.

"America is now embroiled in a debate about how, or whether, to hold the true masterminds to account for their criminal policies. Here, we are on uncharted ground."

Cheney's Tortured Argument (Clarence Page) from the Chicago Tribune

"The disclosures have only fired up the already heated debate about whether torture techniques actually prevented any acts of terror. Former Vice President Dick Cheney says they did. Obama says, uh, not so fast."

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