
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

News Nuggets 136

Not normally one for morbid humor, I couldn't resist this one.

The 'Miracle Man' on Pennsylvania Avenue from Die Presse [of Austria in English]

"Barack Obama has accomplished a lot since January 20, when he was sworn in as 44th President of the United States. His foreign policy has so definitively broken with that of his predecessor that he has actually given substance and meaning to the once empty slogan "new beginning." The U.S. will once more be respected and assume the leading role that it lost under Bush."

Obama's 'Apologies' are a Strength from the Financial Times [of London]

"“I will never apologise for the United States, ever. I don’t care what the facts are.” President George H.W. Bush’s statement in 1988 was more than just a “Bushism”, of the sort that his son later made famous. It was also a pithy summary of a whole school of thought in the US."

'Tropical Napoleon' Melts Before Obama's 'Empire' from El Tiempo [of Colombia in English]

""The immutable lion, that devourer of all passing prey, was transformed into an affectionate kitty, the kind that likes to sleep in the laps of children. ... The only thing missing was for him to sit at Obama's side and ask for tickets to a baseball game."

Obama's 12 Most Important Decisions in his First 100 Days from US News and World Report

"Whether the impact will be good or bad, here are the 12 decisions that helped shape Obama's first 100 days and could shape history."

Republicans Look Backward to Gingrich, Secession, and Socialism (Editorial) from US News and World Report

"It almost seems as if Republicans have been in such a rush to get past Bush that they have inadvertently ripped the fabric of the political time-space continuum, scrambling the past into the present. How else to explain the procession of issues and leaders emerging from the GOP scrum?"

Specter Switch Could Send Ripples Far and Wide for Both Parties (Stuart Rothenberg) from the Rothenberg Political Report

"Republican strategists are downright gloomy over the gleeful reaction of conservative activists to Specter’s exit."

GOP Tries to Dig Out of its Hole (Gerald Seib) from the Wall Street Journal

"If you're trying to figure how bad things are for Republicans, consider this: More Americans say they are conservatives than say they are part of the Republican Party -- which is supposed to be, after all, the party of conservatives."

Economic Casualties Pile into Tent Cities from USA Today

"For the economic homeless, the American ideal that education and hard work lead to a comfortable middle-class life has slipped out of reach. They're packing into motels, parking lots and tent cities, alternately distressed and hopeful, searching for work and praying their fortunes will change."

Presidency 2012: The Invisible Primary Begins (Larry Sabato) from the VA Center for Politics

"With fewer than 1,300 days left until the next general election for President, we have failed to offer a single analysis of this historic upcoming battle. With humility, and hoping for mercy, we submit this first update on 2012."

Michelle visits a Latin American charter school in Washington DC.  See the video HERE.  Scroll down on the left.

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